New Feature: Weekly Success Report!

How successful are you? Which widget gets the most views? We measure it every week and share it with you! Success report is a leverage force for you to be more successful. See where you rank out of the total members each week and work to do better next week!

What is a Weekly Success Report?

I will continue to make more advanced widgets, but you should know that the goal is not advanced widgets. The goal is for you to make and sell Notion templates using these widgets. I want you to strengthen your bond with your customers whose lives you touch regarding productivity. To achieve this goal, these reports have been created for you to improve your current potential by 1% every week!

With the reports, you can see how you are ranked according to the total number of members. So it is a great point to measure how successful you are. You may feel like a failure. And the next thing you know, you are in 70th place! 70th place out of 2500 members indicates that you are not a failure! Don’t get demoralized! Keep going!

How many times have all widgets been viewed this week? You can reach the number of this. With a little maths, you can measure your views per widget. By looking at which Notion templates you use these widgets in, you can estimate the usage rates of the templates! Sometimes no one looks at the templates we work hard on and we lose time from our own lives because we don’t know about it.

I share the number of widgets, which is the other element you will use in the formula for the little maths operation above. This is another one of the leap points.

Finally, I’m sharing the name of your most viewed widget, which could mean something you never expected! Imagine this! You have just started the Notion template design and when you create any widget and add it to the template, you can measure it. No need to create extra widgets for analytics. You can think about why the most viewed widget is viewed. In this way, you can discover the most striking points in your template!

Success Report: Rules

This report will only appear on your dashboard on Mondays. Non-members and those who do not create widgets cannot see it. Remember, only on Mondays. However, you do not need to follow Monday. Again, there will be a feature in the panel that shows which day it is today and how many days are left until Monday!

Success Report: Why only on Mondays?

There are 3 reasons for this.

  1. It’s very exciting. 🙂 You are curious and you are in an unknown-like life. When you reach the end, you see what you did right and what you did wrong. This waiting is very nice.
  2. So that your customers can see your success and rise concretely. Of course, you don’t have to think customer-oriented. You can also share it with your family and friends.
  3. This item is the real bomb! For easy opponent analysis! Now imagine. If you don’t share these images on X/Twitter only on Mondays, if they were shared at any time, it would be difficult for you to follow them! You share them with the hashtag #NotionPlusSuccess. You would have to check this hashtag every day. And that’s very hard work. We don’t have that kind of time! But if it is shared only 1 day, then every week you will be able to see who shared what on that day! This allows you to discover the people who use this tool, what they do, and how they do it. Maybe you can talk to those people and consult with them. Therefore, every week on Monday will have a collective effect.

Success Report: Happy Ending

New features will be added every week! This is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t forget to read the NotionPlus 2024 Vision on this topic! See you! 🙋‍♂️

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