Most Used Notion Widgets in Notion Templates

I am explaining the 9 most used widgets in Notion templates. These widgets are very used widgets. However, they are listed as mixed in this list. Then let’s start the article immediately.

Popular Notion Widgets

1. Notion Calendar Widget (Notion Widgets)

With the latest update, the Google Calendar Notion widget is no longer needed because Notion Calendar can be linked with Google Calendar. Still, different calendar usages are desired. The simplest example of this is printing as “day/month/year“.

You can do this very easily with NotionPlus. When you create a text widget and type (day)/(month)/(year) in it, it will be defined immediately. You can increase the size of the text and improve the design with different fonts.

2. Notion Clock Widget (Notion Widgets)

I know you want to use everything in one place and the Notion Clock widget fits the bill. There are only 2 ways to see what time it is now. Either analog or digital. Right now in NotionPlus, you can easily make the Notion digital clock widget. Just create a text widget and type (hour):(minute):(second) in it.

3. Notion Weather Widget (Notion Widgets)

It is a privilege to see the weather in Notion. You might like to see this. Think about it, looking at a second tool to see the weather can cause many problems. Sometimes when I look out the window, I think it’s sunny and go out without a jacket, but it’s cold and windy. This can be annoying.


4. Notion Countdown Widget

After 10 days, you have to deliver the product to the customer. Your time is cash. Every second counts. With countdown, you can emphasize that you need to work without distraction.

“Hey, there is no time to watch videos on YouTube! Finish and deliver the product first, then you can watch as many YouTube videos as you want.”

To create a countdown quickly and practically, go to NotionPlus, create a text widget, and type (countdown xxx) in it. Replace xxx with any date or time. N+ will automatically run the countdown.

5. Notion Counter Widget

To increase his productivity, a man put paper clips in a box, and for each job he did, he took one paper clip and added it to the other box. In this way, he was able to finish many jobs. This is a true story. You can use the Notion counter widget to increase your productivity.

The counter widget is under construction in NotionPlus. Check out the first draft.

6. Notion Image Carousel Widget

Sometimes there is a need and you may want to use the carousel. Sometimes you don’t want a normal carousel widget. You want to use many features. You may want to make a vertical carousel or give each image an angle. Here you can do them with NotionPlus.

7. Notion Charts

Pie chart, bar chart, declines, and rises. In some cases, you want to see them. It is important to see because even though it is in the writings, what people see can be more memorable. That’s why there are mind maps.

This topic is divided into 2.

The 1st way of use is to connect with the Notion that you usually see, and as changes are made on the database, changes are also made in the chart. This usage is a good feature for those who make Notion templates. But you may not always want to do such complex operations. That’s when the 2nd way of use comes into play.

The 2nd use case is pre-built charts without the need to make any Notion connections. You can liken this to the charts in PowerPoint. Since there is no long-term use there, a quick chart is added. There is no need to update it. These charts can also be used for short transactions.

Let’s keep this in the back of our minds.

8. Notion Quotes Widget

Your productivity has dropped and you are distracted. What can bring you back to your old energy? Let me tell you a trigger to remind you of your goals! This can be music or a quote.

How to use Notion quotes widget? Create a text widget with NotionPlus and type (quotes) at the top. And each line will be a quote. Write a motivational phrase on each line and save it. Yes, it’s that simple! Every time you refresh the page, a new quote will be published.

I even saw someone using this tool. Maybe one day I can interview him. He wrote down Bible verses and said it worked fine. He thanked me for that.

9. Notion Life Progress Bar

What percentage of this year have we completed? And this month? Or even today, what percentage is done? I want to see how much time I have to realize my goals! Those who want that want this tool. But not many people want it. 🙂 I still can’t say zero.

These widgets are frequently used widgets. It is included in almost every Notion theme. You can also use them in your templates. Don’t forget to make innovations in the design to differentiate and stand out!

I am Ugur, the founder of NotionPlus, I wish you plenty of earnings! See you in another blog post!

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