10 Members Started to Register Every Day! How?

At the beginning of this year, I wanted to make a Notion widget tool. For this, I first made a Notion template and sold it. It saved me over $400. Of course, my goal was not to produce templates. I wanted to make a micro SaaS.

After launching under the name Notion Plus Classic, I started working on making the product. What I had in mind was to create a very detailed and advanced Notion widget. I believe I did this today. But I’m still at the beginning.

I had to post it before the product was finished. Because I was sued for $10,000 for some ridiculous reason, I published it before the product was completed to cover the lawyer’s fee. I have now earned the attorney’s fee. That’s another story, of course.

I have experimented with various strategies to encourage people to use the product, and two approaches have proven most effective: blog posts and offering free templates. While the emphasis on blog posts may sound cliché, clichés often hold merit because they are effective. This strategy particularly thrives when coupled with a proficient understanding of SEO.

I currently have 224 members. This number is increasing every day. But I still don’t have a subscriber. Because my landing page is not good enough. And my prices are expensive compared to my competitors. We are working on it. Yes, I get support from a few people on these issues.

I always say this.

I don’t want fish. I don’t want to learn to fish either. I want to make a fishing rod. 🎣

Ugur KILCI – Founder of NotionPlus.dev